Women's Study & Fellowship - Beginning Soon!

Women's Study & Fellowship - Beginning Soon!

Hey friends!

This is Amanda. I'm excited to enjoy a new women's ministry study with you!

Over the course of 10 nights, we will enjoy discussing the book Encountering Jesus by Tim Keller. Join me for our kick-off this upcoming Thursday, November 30 from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM at my home! 

Amanda Pipher
620 E. Angeleno Ave.
Burbank, CA 91501

The first two nights are scheduled now!

Two Scheduled Gatherings (So far!)

Thursday, November 30
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Chapter 1

Thursday, December 7
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Chapter 2

We will enjoy snacks, fellowship, prayer, fun and friends as we discuss the book Encountering Jesus by Tim Keller. 

Whether you consider yourself a Bible scholar, or you’ve never read a word of the Bible, this study is for you. And you’ll never be called on or put on the spot. Please join, it'll be great fun!

We will be discussing the first chapter on Thursday, November 30. If possible, please plan to read the chapter beforehand so we can discuss what we learned, ask questions, and dig deeper.

Can't join us on the first two nights scheduled? No problem. Hope you can join for one of our subsequent nights in January 2024, and beyond.

Encountering Jesus by Tim Keller can be purchased here: https://a.co/d/aAp0y9D

Please contact me with any questions, 803-767-6892.

Looking forward to seeing you!

