This "Giving Tuesday," Two Ways to Give to the Ministry of Covenant Church
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7, ESV)
Dear friends,
Today, as you’re considering how best to give, please consider supporting Covenant Church in two ways.
By Financial Giving
Each week in our worship services, morning and evening, there’s an opportunity to give financially to the church. God accepts this as a portion of our worship.
This is from the ARP Directory of Public Worship:
"From ancient times tithes and offerings have been made to and received by God (Gen. 4:3-7, 14:20 (Heb. 7:1-9), 28:22). They are a part of the ordinary worship of God, commanded in the Law (Exod. 25:1-9; Lev. 27:30-34; Num. 7, 28, 29; Mal. 3:6-10). Our Lord also taught the importance of returning to God a portion of what one has received (Matt. 5:23-24, 23:23; Mark 12:41-44; Luke 20:25). The Apostle Paul instructed the Corinthians to lay aside their gifts for the saints in Jerusalem on the first day of the week (I Cor. 16:2). This coincides with the day when the early church met for worship (Acts 20:7)."
"The presentation of tithes and offerings is to be made humbly before God, in singleness of heart. Pride and self-righteousness in giving is to be abhorred (Matt. 6:1-4). Giving must be from a cheerful heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion (Acts 2:44-45, 4:34-35; II Cor. 9:7). Giving to God should be done in response and thanksgiving for all He has given to us (II Cor. 8:9)."
Today, we have an opportunity to give to the work online or by mail.
All giving is tax-deductible and all giving specifically supports Covenant Church in Burbank.
There’s a lot of exciting ministry coming up to be excited about and your contributions go directly to supporting these including:
- Morning & Evening Worship
- The next God + Hope Conference
- Covenant Church’s Youth Ministry
- Covenant Church’s Women’s Study & Fellowship
- “Last Sunday” Lunches
- Loving Our Community by Service Ministry
& More!
It's our practice at Covenant Church that I, as the minister, am not told the names of who gives and who does not — so let your giving be unto the Lord!
Our Presbytery Treasurer, David Orr, takes excellent care of Covenant Church's finances. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt from David. His contact information, should you have any questions, is at the link below.
Here's a link for giving, available today and every day:

By Leaving a Review on Google Maps or Yelp
If you’ve been impacted by this ministry, please leave a review so others would be encouraged to come and find hope in the Lord among God’s people where you’ve found new or renewed hope in the Lord.
Please consider leaving a review on Google Maps here:
And on Yelp here:
Thank You!
I'm very grateful to God for the opportunity to participate in this ministry with you. Let's give him thanks today for his faithfulness to us.
-Pastor Brooks