Introducing Jameson Barnes

Introducing Jameson Barnes

Dear friends,

It's a real joy to begin to introduce Jameson to you. My hope is that when he begins with us in November, that you'll already feel like in some ways that you know him. And that way he'll be able to hit the ground running with your support and continued prayers, as I'll ask that you begin praying for Jameson now.

Jameson is moving this fall from South Carolina to Burbank as the newest staff member of Covenant Church. His title is "Church Planting Intern."

As you may know, Covenant is a "church plant" as we are a mission church of the Mississippi Valley Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Our goal is to glorify God in this place and to equip the saints by prayer, worship, and love for our city. One day, Lord willing, Covenant will change from a "church plant" to an established church.

As Covenant's church planting intern, Jameson will help to further Covenant Church with you while learning about and becoming equipped for helping to start new churches.

Jameson will be focused primarily on these aspects of Covenant's ministry:

  1. The Covenant Church Youth Ministry
  2. Ministry to students at Woodbury University
  3. Meeting people and inviting them to have fellowship with Covenant Church
  4. Discipleship of God's people at Covenant Church

The full job description for Jameson is available here:

Church Planting Intern — Job Description
Background Covenant Church in Burbank, California is a new (2022) mission work of the Mississippi Valley Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian denomination. Covenant launched morning and evening worship in April 2023. Covenant is a diverse church seeking to glorify God in unity by prayer, worship, and love for our

I have really enjoyed getting to know him already. And I can't wait for you to do the same.

Please begin praying for him now, that God would provide wonderful opportunities for ministry.

And please pray for Covenant, that we would honor the Lord in taking great care of and supporting Jameson in this ministry with us.

With that long introduction! Let's hear now from Jameson.

Thank you!

-Pastor Brooks
