Church Planting Intern — Job Description


Covenant Church in Burbank, California is a new (2022) mission work of the Mississippi Valley Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian denomination. Covenant launched morning and evening worship in April 2023. Covenant is a diverse church seeking to glorify God in unity by prayer, worship, and love for our city. Regular activities outside of Sundays include a women’s ministry, men's ministry, youth ministry, fellowship meals and barbecues, hikes, service opportunities, and other gatherings. Covenant is a growing church, excited to know God better in his love in the Lord, and to love one another.


Covenant's mission developer, Rev. Brooks Pipher is a bi-vocational pastor. As God has blessed Covenant with opportunities for ministry, trained help is needed so that the saints of Covenant Church might continue to be well equipped to reach this community with the gospel.


It is expected that the man who takes this position will learn from Rev. Pipher about what it is to plant a church, and will prayerfully consider church planting as God may open a door for it geographically near where Covenant meets, following Covenant's particularization, in the future.

Role and Responsibilities

  1. Live as an example of godliness, that new believers would be encouraged to follow your example.
  2. Continue to develop and maintain a consistent youth group ministry for middle and high school students with regular gatherings for Bible study, games, and fellowship.
  3. Develop a college ministry that connects the saints of Covenant Church with Woodbury University.
  4. Pursue opportunities for discipleship with those worshiping with Covenant Church.
  5. Live in Burbank, California as a gatherer — seeking to invite people to join in the fellowship of Covenant Church.
  6. Participate in the worship services (morning and evening), and various studies and activities of Covenant Church. And be ready to fill the pulpit (pending approval and credentialing) when called upon.
  7. Ensure that Covenant Church gatherings are coordinated as to setup, meeting, and teardown.
  8. Pursue or present accredited seminary education and ARP licensure.
  9. Maintain regular appointments with Rev. Pipher for mutual encouragement in the Lord and prayer.
  10. Prayerfully consider church planting, and seek opportunities to learn about church planting, should God present an opportunity to be the mission developer of a church planting work in the future (and with a particular emphasis for Los Angeles County).


The Provisional Session of Covenant Church will oversee employment, with Rev. Brooks Pipher acting as local manager / representative for the Provisional Session.


It is assumed that this will be a part-time position, though individuals may choose to support-raise to make this position full-time.


To be paid monthly, at a rate of $2,500 per month.

Thank you!

Thank you for considering working with Covenant Church in Burbank. To find out more or apply, please contact Pastor Brooks at 818-237-4251 or by emailing [email protected]