Open Bible to 1 Thessalonians chapters 1 to 4, a notebook with a pen on it, and a small succulent in a white pot.
Bible, notebook, pen. (And a plant friend!)

Do You Have a Worship Routine?

One of the items of discussion recently in Covenant Church meetings has been routines for worship. It's vitally important to our spiritual health that we make time to meet with God by prayer and in the reading of his Word.

Do you have a worship routine?

Here's a simple routine that can be built upon.


Weekday Mornings:

First thing (probably with a cup of tea or coffee!):

  • Five minutes of prayer, meeting with God and giving him thanks for past, recent, and future blessings. Confessing your sins and renewing your mind to his mercy and faithfulness.
  • Ten minutes of Bible reading. Try to read whole books of the Bible over time.
  • After reading of God's faithfulness, five minutes of prayer for specific prayer requests.

Weekday Afternoons:

Mid-afternoon (around 2:00PM?):

  • Five minutes of prayer, giving thanks for the blessings of that day and asking for opportunities to speak to others about Jesus.

Weekday Evenings:

  • Prayer for your evening meal.
  • After supper, reading one chapter of the Bible.
  • Then reading or singing a Psalm or a hymn.


Saturday Mornings:

First thing (probably with a cup of tea or coffee!):

  • Ten minutes of prayer, meeting with God and giving him thanks for past, recent, and future blessings. Confessing your sins and renewing your mind to his mercy and faithfulness.
  • Twenty minutes of Bible reading. Try to read whole books of the Bible over time.
  • After reading of God's faithfulness, ten minutes of prayer for specific prayer requests.

Saturday Afternoons:

Mid-afternoon (around 2:00PM?):

  • Five minutes of prayer for the blessings of that day and thanking God for the opportunities you had in this week to speak to others about Jesus.

Saturday Evenings:

  • Prayer for your evening meal.
  • After supper, reading one chapter of the Bible.
  • Then reading or singing a Psalm or a hymn.

Lord's Day (Sunday)

Lord’s Day Mornings:

  • Before worship, ten minutes of prayer, meeting with God and giving him thanks for past, recent, and future blessings. Confessing your sins and renewing your mind to his mercy and faithfulness.
  • Twenty minutes of Bible reading. Try to read whole books of the Bible over time.
  • After reading of God's faithfulness, ten minutes of prayer for specific prayer requests

Lord’s Day Afternoons:

  • Ten minutes of prayer and reflection that the morning worship would impact your heart and the hearts of others who were present. Also, if you're planning to come to the Sunday evening Covenant Church meeting, prayer for the meeting.

Lord’s Day Evenings:

  • After the Covenant Church meeting, Lord's Day evenings, ten minutes of prayer for the requests that were shared, and prayer for the Lord's peace, strength, and guidance in the week to come.

Does this routine make sense for you? Do you have another routine that you have found beneficial? Let us know in person at Covenant Church or online via Twitter @CovenantBurbank.
