Covenant Church — Morning Worship: September 3, 2023

Covenant Church — Morning Worship: September 3, 2023

Dear friends,

God invites us to worship him. What a wonderful privilege and joy!

We're gathering this morning together for worship! Here are directions to where Covenant Church gathers:

Covenant Church · 160 S Victory Blvd, Burbank, CA 91502, Verenigde Staten
★★★★★ · Presbyteriaanse kerk

For those unable to gather in person, here's a link to our YouTube channel. We are unable to link directly to the video this morning, but if you visit the channel, you'll see the video live right around 10:00 AM.

Covenant Burbank
Video’s delen met vrienden, familie en de rest van de wereld

Here's a file download of the morning worship bulletin:

We're very glad to worship with you.

Evening Worship: There's no evening worship scheduled for this Sunday or next. Thank you!

-Pastor Brooks

P.S. Some of the links above are appearing in German – I don't know why! Sorry about that!
