Tomorrow! Setup, Worship, Lunch, Worship
Dear friends,
I can’t wait to gather with you tomorrow as we again have opportunity to rejoice in the Lord.
Church Setup at 8 AM
Starting at 8 AM, you're invited to help set up for worship. This is a great opportunity to serve the Lord and get to know some of the wonderful people who make up Covenant Church.
Morning Worship at 10 AM
In the morning, we'll continue our study of Ephesians with the next three verses, 7 to 10. We'll also have an invitation to participate in the Lord's Supper.
Lunch from Urbane Cafe
As we continue to celebrate the launch of Covenant Church, we have another wonderful lunch planned. Please plan to stay after the 10 AM worship service to enjoy a meal together.
Evening Worship at 6 PM
In the evening, we'll continue our study of the Old Testament book of Jonah. Jonah has just been released from the belly of the fish. What will happen next? What does this mean for God's people in Burbank? Find out in our study of Jonah chapter 3!
A great day planned! I hope you'll be there.
-Pastor Brooks