200 Years of Covenant Church?

200 Years of Covenant Church?

"Every day we may see some new thing in Christ. His love hath neither brim nor bottom." - Samuel Rutherford from The Letters of Samuel Rutherford

Dear friends,

Tomorrow is an exciting day for Covenant Church.

We'll gather for the first time on a Sunday that's not a "Preview service," and not a "Launch Sunday," but a regular Sunday of God's people gathered together in worship and in rest.

Tomorrow another church in our denomination, Bethel ARP in Winnsboro, SC, is celebrating 200 years of ministry. That's roughly 10,435 Sundays and I'm sure much ministry outside of Sundays as well.

I was thinking today about Bethel, and I was thinking how wonderful to imagine what a Sunday and the ministry at Covenant Church might look like in 200 years (unless the Lord returns first)! It's wonderful to think on — especially as I am so glad to spend these first regular Sundays with all of you.

What do you think Covenant Church might be like after 10,000 Sundays? What do you hope the impact on the community will be?

Tomorrow we're planning on:

Morning Worship at 10 AM
Preaching on Ephesians 1:3-6
and The Lord's Supper

Delicious Lunch from Sotta Following Worship

Evening Worship at 6 PM
Preaching on Jonah 2

See you then!

-Pastor Brooks
