The Warmth of Worship & Christian Fellowship in Lunch — This Sunday!

The Warmth of Worship & Christian Fellowship in Lunch — This Sunday!

Dear friends,

We can't wait to see you, on a rainy Lord's Day, for two opportunities to worship together and lunch.

On a cold rainy day, what could bring more warmth and light to the heart than gathering together before our God?

See you soon!

Schedule for this Sunday — January 26, 2025:

Setup for Worship — 9:15 AM
Your help in setup is a wonderful and important way to serve the Lord.
Morning Worship — 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Sermon text: Psalm 1:1-6

Covenant Church
160 S. Victory Blvd.,
Burbank, CA 91502
"Last Sunday" Lunch — 11:00 AM

On the last Sunday of every month, Covenant Church enjoys lunch together immediately following the morning service of worship. 

All are invited to stay for lunch!
Evening Worship — 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Sermon text: Revelation 4:1-11

Lord's Supper following the preaching of the gospel.

Covenant Church
160 S. Victory Blvd.,
Burbank, CA 91502

Upcoming Events You Won't Want to Miss

"Last Sunday" Lunch — This Sunday! January 26

On the last Sunday of the month, Covenant Church enjoys a fellowship meal together immediately following Morning Worship.

Please make plans to join in this fellowship!
Youth Group — Friday Evening, February 7

Mark your calendars! More details coming soon.
Dinner Fellowship — Friday Evening, February 21

Please mark your calendars for an evening of fun fellowship and dinner together!
Ladies Fellowship — Thursday Evening, February 27

More details coming soon!
Outreach & Evangelism — New Opportunities Coming Soon!

Now is the time to begin praying about a new season of outreach and evangelism in Burbank and Los Angeles. It seems God has exciting things in store for this church.
Elder & Deacon Training — Rescheduled! March 15, 8:00 AM to Noon

Our Presbytery recently hosted training for ministers, elders, and deacons in Tennessee. And — there's a recording of the training!

Covenant Church is planning a gathering on a Saturday morning where we normally meet for worship to watch this training and discuss together.

The theme is "Doing the Work." What is the work that pastors, elders, and deacons are called to?

The session topics are:

#1 The Deacon - Servant of the Church
#2 The Elder - Shepherds of the Sheep
#3 The Minister - A Unique Calling
#4 How These Three Come together in Ministry

All are invited and everyone will find this beneficial as we seek to grow in love for Christ and his church.

It's early in the morning — but a great way to start our Saturday and to prepare our hearts for worship on Sunday.

The church will be providing breakfast and coffee.

Please RSVP by texting Pastor Brooks at 818-237-4251.

See You Soon!

After what may have been a long week, come this Sunday to be refreshed with the good news of the gospel!

-Pastor Brooks
