The Christian and a Troubled Heart
I've continued to read this week some of the sermons of William Bridge. Rev. Bridge was a minister in the Netherlands and England and was a member of the Westminster Assembly.
The main message of this sermon preached in London in 1648 is this: "Saints Should Not Be Discouraged Whatever Their Condition Be." Every Christian is a saint in the mind of God. God has provided sweet promises that assure the relief of any and every condition that the Christian does and will ever face.
(John 14:1–7, ESV)
This morning I read the William Bridge passage highlighted below, which I've modified a little.
And if you say, how may it appear that God the Father would have his people to be of the same mind and disposition never to be discouraged?
It appears plainly, because God hath provided promises of comfort, succor and relief suitable to all conditions: I dare boldly challenge all men, to show me any one condition, which God hath not provided a promise of comfort, mercy and succor suitable unto it.
Yea, and if you look upon the promises, and mark them well, you shall find they are so laid, worded, and moulded, as that all discouraging objections may be fully answered and taken off as they rise.
- William Bridge (modified)
Come join us at Covenant Church in Burbank this Sunday evening and we'll talk together about the precious promises that God gives freely to those who follow Jesus in faith.
The works of William Bridge are available for free download at the button below.