Photo of The Walk: Steps for New and Renewed Followers of Jesus sitting on a wood table.
The Walk: Steps for New and Renewed Followers of Jesus

Join a Covenant Church Study of "The Walk"

‌‌Everyone is invited to Covenant Church.

It's exciting to be a part of a new church, in part, because everyone comes in on the same "level" of church involvement. There are no long-term members or new visitors. Because everyone is new!

Covenant Church is a great opportunity for skeptics and inquirers to investigate Jesus without feeling any pressure to "know it all" because many participating in Covenant Church are starting fresh in learning and examining these things.

One of the ways Covenant Church is learning about what it means to follow Jesus is by studying a book called The Walk by Stephen Smallman. The Walk starts at the very foundations of the Christian faith and then builds knowledge and depth over twelve short and engaging chapters. It's a fantastic study.

If you are interested in learning more about Jesus, and investigating what it means to follow Jesus, please let Pastor Brooks know and he'll invite you to join a study of The Walk. There are opportunities for you to join an existing study of The Walk or a new study can be started at a time that's convenient for you.

Now is the time to get serious about Jesus. Now is the time to participate in Covenant Church in Burbank.
