Core Group Meetings
What is the Core Group?
The core group is comprised of people who are excited to help start Covenant Church. Core group members have committed to giving their time, talents, and financial support to the launch of Covenant church.
The core group meetings are for those who have committed to the core group, and also for those who are interested in learning more before signing up.
Here's a one page flyer on the core group:
What Are Core Group Meetings?
Core group meetings are primarily Bible studies. These Bible studies are intended to grow in size and scope into a regularly meeting, worshiping church. Presently, core group meetings are Sunday evenings from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Everyone is invited, including children.
Who Are Core Group Meetings For?
Core group meetings are for those who have committed to or are considering committing to help start Covenant church.
Evening Schedule
Core group meetings are relaxed, fun, and casual with delicious snacks and drinks, and comfortable places to sit and talk in a welcoming environment. We start around 6:30 PM and end promptly at 8:00 PM. A date schedule is available here:
The core group evening schedule is divided roughly into thirds of:
1/3 Teaching
1/3 Discussion
1/3 Prayer
The core group meetings are primarily a Bible study, looking at how the Lord Jesus builds and is building his church. We’re studying the New Testament book of Acts. If you’ve read Acts before, fantastic! If not, that’s cool too. If you have a Bible that you like, please bring it. If you don’t have a Bible, we have plenty to share and for you to take home.
About one third of our time is spent listening to Pastor Brooks teaching on the book of Acts.
As we’re examining the book of Acts, there’s a lot to talk about as a group. About a third of our time is spent in discussion. Pastor Brooks will ask questions and then the answers are discussed together. Some of the core group members have been reading the Bible for years. Others are just starting reading the Bible. There’s no pressure here in discussion. We’re all growing together in the things of Jesus.
At Covenant, we believe that it’s God who draws people to himself and grows his church. Therefore, about a third of each core group meeting is spent in prayer. Prayer is vital for our lives and for the church. Pastor Brooks will open the floor for prayer. Any person can choose to pray silently or aloud. There’s no pressure to pray in front of everyone. You will not be called on to pray.
The majority of the core group meetings will take place at the home of Pastor Brooks and Amanda in Burbank. Though some meetings will take place at other fabulous locations.
We’re creating a lot of fantastic Covenant church swag. Core group meetings are a great opportunity to take some home.
Come Join Us!
You're invited to visit a core group and to decide if helping to start Covenant is what God is calling you to do. Please contact Pastor Brooks for the address and specifics on the next meeting. Pastor Brooks's contact info is here: