Advent Season Continues this Sunday with Covenant Church
““Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.”” (Isaiah 12:2, ESV)
Dear friends,
What a wonderful thing to gather this Sunday in worship as we continue our study on the Lord Jesus, who was to come, has come, and is to come again!
Our focus in this Christmas Season (as in every season!) will be on:
The wonderful truth of the incarnation of the Lord Jesus, from the prophecies made about his coming, to his miraculous conception and birth, to the celebrations of the shepherds and angels, to the reason he is called "Christ."
Please make plans to gather with Covenant Church this Sunday and every Sunday.
You are invited. And your friends and family are too.
Every Sunday in Advent at 10:00 AM
Morning Worship, Including:
- Sermon on the Birth of the Savior
- Children's Sermon with the Lighting of an Advent Candle
- Singing of Traditional Christmas Hymns (and a Psalm or Two!)
- The Lord's Supper
Every Sunday in Advent at 6:00 PM
Evening Worship, Including:
- Sermon on the Love of God for His People in the Lord Jesus
- Children's Sermon with Lighting of an Advent Candle
- Singing of Traditional Christmas Hymns (and a Psalm or Two!)
Christmas Eve — December 24
Morning Worship at 10:00 AM, Including:
- Sermon on the Birth of the Savior
- Children's Sermon with Lighting of an Advent Candle
- Singing of Traditional Christmas Hymns (and a Psalm or Two!)
- The Lord's Supper
Evening Worship at 6:00 PM, Including:
- Christmas Candlelight Service
- Sermon on the Birth of the Savior
- Children's Sermon with Lighting of an Advent Candle
- Singing of Traditional Christmas Hymns (and a Psalm or Two!)
- Hot chocolate & fellowship following Evening Worship
We can't wait to see you!
-Pastor Brooks